Summit of Kilimanjaro

A Guide to our Difficulty Ratings

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  2. A Guide to our Difficulty Ratings

Adventures for all levels of ability

Level 1
Level 1: Very Easy

  • 1-3 hours walking or activity each day. Up to 500m vertical ascent per day.
  • A reasonable level of fitness recommended but no training required.
  • This level for all our safari experiences.

Level 2
Level 2: Easy

  • 3-6 hours walking or activity each day. Up to 800m of vertical ascent per day.
  • You should go walking regularly and be comfortable in a mountain environment at low altitude.

Level 3
Level 3: Moderate

  • 6-8 hours walking or activity each day. Up to 1200m of vertical ascent per day.
  • You may be reaching altitudes over 4000m. You should have a good level of fitness and be accustomed to long days of hiking.

Level 4
Level 4: Challenging

  • Generally, 8 hours walking but can be up to 16 hours on any summit days.
  • Up to 1500m daily ascent or 2000m descent. Total altitude of up to 6500m.
  • High level of fitness and endurance training necessary in advance of this trip.

Level 5
Level 5: Tough

  • Excellent physical fitness needed, confident in steep high-altitude terrain or extreme conditions.
  • Suggest rigorous training for 3-5 months before departure.
  • You may reach altitudes up to 7000m with long days of ascent and descent.
  • We may request proof of previous experience before booking.