Sustainable Travel

What is sustainable tourism?
The environmental impact of adventure travel
An example of what we’re doing to help is our Wild Kandoo initiative. We’ve committed to rewilding land that has been previously used for
agriculture, creating homes for wildlife, protecting indigenous plant life and
providing opportunities for local people to get involved. We’re super excited
about our very first project, the Kandoo Forest, which will create a new wild
space in Bhutan for plants and animals to thrive, protected from urbanisation.
The social impact of adventure travel
Initiatives such as the Kandoo
Himalayan Foundation are a great way to give back to the communities in
popular destinations. In Nepal our local team have set up this foundation to
support a community otherwise cut off from the world, providing clothing,
education, accessibility to the village and opportunities not otherwise
available to them.
The economic impact of adventure travel
Why is this important?
We’re in the midst of a climate change crisis and we’re told
that this decade is the pivotal one for reducing the damage we’re doing to our
planet. If the temperature of the earth rises just 1.5°C more, it could be
disastrous for wildlife, ecosystems and us. A hotter global temperature could
lead to more extreme weather, the reduction of natural resources, negative
effects on agriculture making it harder to grow crops and the loss of both
animal and plant species.
With more people on earth than ever before, we’re releasing
more greenhouse gases which trap heat from the sun inside the ozone layer
leading to the temperature increase of our planet, often referred to as global
warming. The primary sources of greenhouse gases are burning fossil fuels,
deforestation and industrial emissions.
This all sounds very doom and gloom, we know. But as we said
at the beginning understanding the problems we are facing is an important step
towards trying to reduce our overall impact.
Travel itself doesn’t cause climate change but flying by
airplane frequently, producing more waste and not respecting natural habitats
do. So we’re asking the question, what can we do to lessen the impact of our

Top tips for reducing your impact
1. slow down
2. sleeping arrangements
For accommodation with zero impact but total immersion with
nature, check out our trips to Guyana where you
can sleep in hammock camps!
3. Consider volunteering
4. Go local
5. Travel light
6. Teach others
7. Look out for greenwashing

What are Kandoo Adventures doing to promote responsible tourism?
We can do more and we will do more, but we need your help to
do it. Book your next adventure with a company that doesn’t greenwash but
quietly goes about its business affecting change where we can, travelling green
when possible and improving ourselves as we progress along our journey to
becoming better.